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Mastering visual (en papel)


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Resumen del libro VB Programmers: Get in Step with With the introduction of Visual Basic , VB transcends its traditional second-class status to become a full-fledged citizen of the object-oriented programming, letting you access the full power of the Windows platform for the first time. Written bythe author of the best-selling Mastering Visual Basic 6 this all-new edition is the resource you need to make a successful transition to . Comprising in-depth explanations, practical examples, and handy reference information, its coverage includes: * Mastering the new Windows Forms Designer and controls * Building dynamic forms * Using powerful Framework classes such as ArrayLists and HashTables * Persisting objects to disk files * Handling graphics and printing * Achieving robustness via structured exception handling and debugging * Developing your own classes and extending existing ones via inheritance * Building custom Windows controls * Building menus and list controls with custom-drawn items * Using ADO to build disconnected, distributed applications * Using SQL queries and stored procedures with ADO * Facilitating database programming with the visual database tools * Building web applications with ASP and the rich web controls * Designing web applications to access databases * Using the DataGrid and DataList web controls * Building XML web services to use with Windows and web applications * Special topics like the Multiple Document Interface and powerful recursive programming techniques Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. rejected Acrobat PDF book_target Path: /Books/J/John Wiley & Sons [6010004]/Metamaterials Physics and Engineering Explorations/Glassbook

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