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The complete guide to the toefl test ibt edition (incluye 13 cd-r oms + answer key/tapescript): self-study pack (en papel)


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Foto The complete guide to the toefl test ibt edition (incluye 13 cd-r oms + answer key/tapescript): self-study pack (en papel) foto 698098

Resumen del libro The instruction and practice in the Complete Guide to the TOEFL iBT closely mirrors the actual test, helping students to master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the TOEFL iBT test and prepare them for success in an academic setting. * Written by Bruce Rogers, an internationally recognized authority on English language standardized test preparation * This complete text provides test-taking strategies at the beginning of each section, extensive practice with all question types found on the TOEFL iBT, a separate section on essay writing, additional exercises addressing the most common errors made on the TOEFL test, and two full practice tests. * Step-by-step lessons teach students to break down tasks, helping them to master the essential skills needed to score well. * An interactive CD-ROM delivers electronic practice through two complete TOEFL practice tests. The audio program on CD or tape includes all the listening material needed for the text.

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