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A new republic: a history of the united states in the twentieth c entury (en papel)


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Foto A new republic: a history of the united states in the twentieth c entury (en papel) foto 971361

Resumen del libro In "A New Republic, "one of America's most respected historians offers a major statement on the nature of our political system and a critical look at the underpinnings of our society. American democracy, says John Lukacs, has been transformed from an exercise in individual freedom and opportunity to a bureaucratic system created by and for the dominance of special groups. His book, first published in 1984 as "Outgrowing Democracy, "is now reissued with a new introduction, in which Lukacs explains his methodology, and a new final chapter, which sums up Lukacs's thoughts on American democracy today. "Reviews of the earlier edition" "A rich, subtle, and often ingenious argument . . . an eloquent, provocative, but disturbing book."--Edwin M. Yoder, Jr., "Washington Post Book World" "Mr. Lukacs is an original and subtle historian, and this book] is an engaging intellectual surprise party. . . . I was continuously enchanted by the play of his ideas--by the sharpness of his distinctions and the acuteness of his descriptions."--Naomi Bliven, "New Yorker " "It has been a long time since Americans were offered such a provocative interpretation of their historical predicament. . . . We would be foolish not to examine it closely."--Laurence Tool, "Society"

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