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Organizational behavior and management (6th ed.) (en papel)


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Foto Organizational behavior and management (6th ed.) (en papel) foto 675438

Resumen del libro Students in the 21st Century will face an unprecedented rate of change in employee diversity, global competition, and legal requirements. This book is intended for those students, giving them a wealth of text, readings, exercises and cases allowing them to experience and understand organisational behaviour and its importance to them as future managers. 21st century managers must not only be able to perform the necessary functions of management, but also lead in a manner that enriches the capacity of employees who may or are likely to be moving around from work assignments, starting their own firms, and multiple organisations. Leading change, thinking ahead, executing flawlessly a plan or program, using technology, displaying passion regularly are what leaders must do smoothly and easily. The 6th edition of OBM prepares students for this enhanced role, by focusing on managing and leading a firm's most valuable assets, its people. Providing a wealth of text readings, exercises and cases, this book allows students to experience and understand organizational behaviour and its importance to them as managers in the 21st century. It prepares students for the role by focusing on managing and leading a firm and its people.

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