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Extra Virgin Olive Oil Carafe - 3 Unit pack - 20% OFF


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Foto Extra Virgin Olive Oil Carafe - 3 Unit pack - 20% OFF foto 25410

The 'Altos del Cabriel' extra virgin olive oil is extracted from olives which grow by the riversides of the Cabriel, one of the cleanest rivers in Europe, which is the natural boundary between the provinces of Albacete and Valencia. It is the same oil that the members of the 'san Antonio Abad' Cooperative who make it in the small village of Villamalea, give their relatives when they visit; the same oil they use at home in a number of traditional and delicious dishes. The practical 5 liter carafe is ideal for restaurants as well as for families who want to enjoy an excellent olive oil every day. 5 liter carafe x 3 Units pack

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