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The Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Safety Razor

Marca: The Bluebeards Revenge

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Tienda: Fruugo España

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Foto The Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Safety Razor foto 787987

Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Safety RazorThe Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Safety Razor looks stunning and feels good in the hand, it shaves beautifully too. Perfectly balanced so only the lightest touch is required when used with a sharp blade. The Scimitar head is less bulbous than some safety razors so getting under the nostrils and cutting your sideburns straight is a cinch.Finished in shiny chrome, the razor weighs in at 67g, it's 95 mm in length.The Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Safety Razor has won the accolade of the world's best safety razor by Reader's Choice Magazine 2012. Laser etched with the skull and cross bones Bluebeards Revenge logo on the face of the head, very different and handsome too. Comes in a smart Bluebeards Revenge branded cardboard presentation box.Not exactly what you're looking for?Browse our extensive range of double edge safety razors

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