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Dovo Stainless Steel Shavette Disposable Blade Straight Razor

Marca: DOVO

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Tienda: Fruugo España

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Foto Dovo Stainless Steel Shavette Disposable Blade Straight Razor foto 968277

Dovo Stainless Steel Shavette Disposable Blade Straight Razor The Dovo Shavette Disposable Blade Straight Razor is a versatile and affordable straight razor that is ideal for travelling and as an introductory razor for newcomers to straight razor shaving.Experienced straight razor users will also appreciate the close shave, ease of use and the sheer delight of straight shaving without the need for hones and strops. As the Dovo Shavette uses disposable stainless steel double edge (DE) razor blades, this eliminates the need to buy a hone, strop and other accessories which are associated with straight razors, reducing the cost of starting straight razor shaving considerably. Using the compact Shavette by Dovo allows you to get used to the angle and technique required for a comfortable straight razor shave. In addition, the blade holder acts as a guard that prevents the leading corner of the blade from cutting you. * Includes one Shavette disposable blade.

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