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Rome, the greek world, and the east (vol.2): government, society and culture in the roman empire (en papel)


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Foto Rome, the greek world, and the east (vol.2): government, society and culture in the roman empire (en papel) foto 719642

Resumen del libro Fergus Millar is one of the most influential contemporary historians of the ancient world. His essays and books, above all "The Emperor in the Roman World" and "The Roman Near East," have transformed our understanding of the communal culture and civil government of the Greco-Roman world. This second volume of the three-volume collection of Millar's published essays draws together twenty of his classic pieces on the government, society, and culture of the Roman Empire (some of them published in inaccessible journals). Every article in Volume 2 addresses the themes of how the Roman Empire worked in practice and what it was like to live under Roman rule. As in the first volume of the collection, English translations of the extended Greek and Latin passages in the original articles make Millar's essays accessible to readers who do not read these languages.

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