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Paella rice from Calasparra


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Tienda: Spanish Food Online

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Foto Paella rice from Calasparra foto 643267

This 1 kilogram bag of the best organic Calasparra paella rice comes from the Cooperative 'Virgen de la Esperanza' in the town of Calasparra, Murcia. This rice is a very old variety, documents from the fourteenth century mention the importance of rice cultivation in Vega del Segura. Despite its low production, the cultivation area of Calasparra Rice is relevant, motivated in part by the introduction of traditional farming techniques. The effort was rewarded in 1986 with the recognition of the Designation of Origin, which guarantees the quality of the product. The characteristics that make Calasparra rice so appreciated are manifested in its taste and consistency. It is a type of rice which has a slower cultivation cycle than other varieties, which results in an extra dry grain ready to absorb flavours better than other types. It also keeps its shape when cooking, without getting sticky or creamy. The main production area is the land located in the towns of Moratalla and Calasparra, in the province of Murcia, and Hellín in the province of Albacete. No pesticides or herbicides are used, so it is a 100% organic product.

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