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Macbeth (en papel)


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Resumen del libro Selected as a 2005 outstanding book by University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries Selected for Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries, 2006 Featured at ALA as one of the “Best of the Best from the University Presses: Books you should know about.” Perhaps no other Shakespearean drama so engulfs its readers in the ruinous journey of surrender to evil as does Macbeth. A timeless tragedy about the nature of ambition, conscience, and the human heart, the play holds a profound grip on the Western imagination. Burton Raffel is Distinguished Professor of Arts and Humanities Emeritus and professor of English emeritus, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Among his many edited and translated publications are Poems and Prose from the Old English, Cligès, Lancelot, Perceval, Erec and Enide, and Yvain, all published by Yale University Press. Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University and Berg Professor of English at New York University, is the author of many books, including The Western Canon, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, and Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? "The volumes in this series will enrich any library that stocks editions of individual Shakespearean plays. [Included are] introductory essays and on-page annotations that aid the reader in vocabulary, usage of Elizabethan English, pronunciation, alternative readings of phrases and lines, and prosody, ie metric structure or accents . . . . Especially helpful are definitions of common words that have changed meanings over the past four hundred years . . . ."—Judith McGowan (American Association of School Librarians)

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