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Losing america: confronting a reckless and arrogant democracy (en papel)


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Foto Losing america: confronting a reckless and arrogant democracy (en papel) foto 837407

Resumen del libro In the months and years following September 11th, Senator Robert C. Byrd viewed with dismay what he considers a "slow unraveling of the people's liberties," a time when dissenting voices were stilled and awesome power swung suddenly to the president to fight a "war on terror." The way down this path violates historic American principles. It provides no regard for the balance of powers or the role of Congress; it invades our privacy; it makes no attempt to educate the public and build consensus. It displays little regard for our environment. It grapples little with the realities of people who have to work for a living, rear children or care for aging parents, and cope with physical ailments -- problems that plague our country and cry out for attention. Swept along, we have entered a war under a new and dangerous doctrine without proper consideration, and we have rushed dangerous legislation through Congress willy-nilly. We have a White House that favors the rich and the well-connected, lavishes tax cuts on big businesses, and pushes through unfair tax legislation. Most serious, this administration has, in greater measure than ever before, operated under a cloak of secrecy, which is deeply antithetical to the principles of our nation. For far too long, argues Senator Byrd, too many of us have passively gone along, aiding and abetting a dangerous process. Now is the time, he urges, to regain the Constitution that our fore-fathers so wisely left us, a time to return to the values and principles that made America great. Losing America is a ringing call to action by one of the country's longest-serving and most respected legislators, one who does not shrink from warning the people of the sinister agenda of a power-seeking White House.

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