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Jamón Ibérico de Bellota ‘Mafresa’


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Tienda: Spanish Food Online

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Foto Jamón Ibérico de Bellota ‘Mafresa’ foto 425620

Jamon Iberico de Bellota is Spain's treasure - a ham that speaks of the people, land and animals of this ancient country. Free range Iberico pigs live a privileged life, Mafresa has them wandering the Dehesa oak forests of Extremadura in western Spain. There they gorge on sweet acorns, which add a rich nutty flavor and antioxidant qualities to the hams. Afterwards the hams are cured in the traditional way for 24 months. This antioxidant quality allows the hams to be cured for over 2 years without spoiling. They lose an amazing 40% of their weight as the fat drips away, bathing the ham in the flavors of Spain's countryside. In the process, much of the fat is transformed into mono-unsaturated fat, a miracle not to be equaled in the ham world. Approximate weight 7 kilos

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