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Designing with solar power: a sourcebook for building integrated photovoltaics (bipv) (en papel)


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Foto Designing with solar power: a sourcebook for building integrated photovoltaics (bipv) (en papel) foto 805300

Resumen del libro Designing with Solar Power is the reult of international collaborative research and development work carried out within the remit of the International Energy Agency's Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS), where world-wide and interdisciplinary expert experience on building-integrated photovoltaics has been brought together to provide state-of-the-art information on technology and design issues. This book's mission is to inspire building professionals to think about photovoltics as an energy-producing building material, and to incorporate this energy source whenever possible. Hundreds of photos, diagrams and charts demonstrate the fundamentals of photovoltaics, the hurdles to be faced, experience to date, and overall, its enormous potential. More than twenty international case studies demonstrate the learning curve that has accompanied the early years of building-integrated photovoltaics.

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