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Darkness blu ray lena olin anna paquin jaume balaguero iain glen fele martinez


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Foto Darkness blu ray lena olin anna paquin jaume balaguero iain glen fele martinez foto 520205

DARKNESS (2002) SPANISH HORROR ON BLU RAY REGION B DIRECTED BY JAUME BALAGUERO STARRING ANNA PAQUIN , LENA OLIN , IAIN GLEN , FELE MARTINEZ BRAND NEW OFFICIAL WARNER RELEASE Original Title Darkness Released in 2002 Running Time 102 min Audio Track Dolby Digital 5.1 English, Spanish, Catalan Optional Subtitles English, Spanish (Subtitles only for the film, Special features are not subtitled) Region Code B Europe Video System PAL Aspect Ratio 2 35 1 , 16 9 1080p Special Features Interactive Menus, Scene Access, Filmographies, Pre trailer, Teaser, Trailers, Making of, Spots, Photo Gallery, Deleted Scenes, Dossier, Interview with Director and Actors (SPECIAL FEATURES ARE IN SPANISH ONLY) Director Jaume Balaguer� Starring Anna Paquin , Lena Olin , Iain Glen , Giancarlo Giannini , Fele Mart�nez , Stephan Enquist, Ferm�n Reixach, Francesc Pag�s, Craig Stevenson REVIEW T here s something in this house... Something ancient and dark that remains still, hidden and silent. It can only wait, having been concealed in the shadows for years. In fact, its milieu is darkness. Only in it can it show itself and move. It even takes its name DARKNESS. It s lived here since someone tried to call it, more than forty years ago. Because this house hides a secret, a terrible past, an inconceivably evil act... Seven children, faceless people, a circle that must be completed. And blood, lots of blood... But something went wrong. One of the children got away. The circle wasn t completed. That s why what lives here isn t finished. It s just waiting... It tries to carry out what it couldn t before, making plans in the shadows, to become complete, to be, to exist... A new family has just moved into the house. A small child. An unstable father capable of losing his temper at any time. A perfect target. The right place at the right time. The pieces only have to be put in place. And then wait... Maybe the family s daughter will be able to discover the truth the dark secret of the past, the sinister conspiracy, the truth about what threatens them. Why is the father getting worse What is her little brother afraid of Why doesn t her mother listen to her And why do the lights keep going out It could be that nothing happens by chance, that everything has been worked out from the start. A devilish plan, precise and exact like a time bomb. Her father s illness, the house, the circles, the children... Perhaps she can foresee darkness master stroke of play and the inevitable destiny that is closing in on her family. But maybe it s too late...En esta casa hay algo... A lgo oscuro y muy antiguo que permanece inm�vil, escondido y en silencio. S�lo espera, agazapado en la penumbra durante a�os, trazando planes. De hecho, su medio es la oscuridad. S�lo en ella puede manifestarse y desplazarse. E incluso toma su nombre. Y vive aqu� desde que alguien trat� de invocarlo hace m�s de cuarenta a�os. Porque esta casa guarda un secreto, un pasado abominable, un acto de maldad inconcebible... Siete ni�os, gente sin rostro, un c�rculo que debe ser completado. Y sangre, mucha sangre... Y una nueva familia acaba de instalarse en esta casa. Un ni�o peque�o. Un padre inestable capaz de perder los nervios en cualquier momento. Un blanco perfecto. El lugar exacto en el instante preciso. Porque puede que nada sea casual, que todo est� calculado desde el principio, en un plan diab�lico, milim�trico y preciso como una bomba de relojer�a. La enfermedad del padre, la casa, los c�rculos, los ni�os... La �ltima jugada maestra de la oscuridad. Ya s�lo hace falta mover las piezas. Y esperar... format=blu ray genre=horror region code=blu ray b

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