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The ready mades belong to everyone (en papel)


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Foto The ready mades belong to everyone (en papel) foto 844968

Resumen del libro The border between ?real? and ?fiction? is a recurring theme in the Art world. Along those lines, Philippe Thomas? work is centered on the following aesthetic ambiguity: all material elements that deal with the creation, exhibition and circulation of a work of art (that work, the autor, the public, the galleries, the museums, ect) fluctuate between real and fictitious values. This duality, just as his letting go of ready-mades, is vital to Art?s existence. Thomas? constant evasión of authorship of pieces and constructions under the ?les ready-made appartinnent à tout le monde®? trademark, has lead him to transform his own identity into fiction. The catalogue includes pieces from the 1970s until his death in 1995. It also includes essays by Diserens, Falguières, Soutif, Antoine, Lebovici, Blistène, as well as interviews with Verney-Carron y Simone de Cosi.

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