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EasiYo Low Fat Apricot Yogurt Mix


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Foto EasiYo Low Fat Apricot Yogurt Mix foto 913218

Easiyo Low Fat Yogurt Apricot Mix Lower Fat Yogurt Lower Fat Yogurt is a great alternative The EasiYo range of lower fat yogurts contains less than 2g of fat per 200g serve. And because they're unsweetened they're ideal for diabetics or anyone wanting to sweeten their yogurt to their own taste, using sugar, honey or other sweeteners. With plain and flavoured low fat varieties to choose from, there is an option for every taste. The EasiYo Lower Fat Yogurt range has: • No added sugar • Less than 2g fat per 200g serve • No artificial colours • No preservatives • No gluten • Halal certification • A great source of calcium and protein Description EasiYo Lower Fat Apricot Yogurt Base contains less than 2g of fat per 200g serve. It is an unsweetened yogurt that is ideal for adults who are watching their waistlines or on a restricted fat diet. Lower Fat Apricot provides a naturally good source of calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals. All Natural No Preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers or other artificial ingredients. Non GM (genetically modified), Wheat & Gluten Free, Halal Certified, Low GI (Glycemic index). Unsweetened Just sweeten to your taste with 2-4 tbsp sugar, honey (melted), icing sugar or sugar-substitute. Ingredients Pasteurised whole & skim milk solids*(98%) from free range cows, live lactic cultures (l.bulgaricus, s.thermophilus, l.acidophilus), flavouring substance, natural colours (beetroot red, beta carotene) *contains natural lecithin derived from soybean Nutritional Information Unsweetened Real Yogurt Base & Culture 140g e Makes 1kg of yogurt

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