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Advanced engineering mathematics (4th ed.) (en papel)


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Foto Advanced engineering mathematics (4th ed.) (en papel) foto 950914

Resumen del libro Revised, expanded, and extremely comprehensive, this best-selling reference is almost like having your own personal tutor. You proceed at your own rate and any difficulties you may encounter are resolved before you move on to the next topic. With a step-by-step programmed approach that is complemented by hundreds of worked examples and exercises, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" is ideal as an on-the-job reference for professionals or as a self-study guide for students. It: uses a unique technique-oriented approach that takes the reader through each topic step-by-step; features a wealth of worked examples and progressively more challenging exercises; and contains Test Exercises, Learning Outcomes, Further Problems, and Can You? Checklists to guide and enhance learning and comprehension. The expanded coverage includes new chapters on Z Transforms, Fourier Transforms, Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations, and more Complex Numbers.

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