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Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North West Gaul, Carnutes, Pixtilos Ae Unit, c40-30Bc, c15mm, c3 6g Hd r , Pixtilos /Warrior on galloping horse r , all within pelleted border Dlt ......

347.45€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

Gaul, Massalia Ar Drachm, ca 130Bc-125Ad, ca 18mm, ca 2 7g Bust of Artemis right / Lion walking left; Ad below Antike Kelten Gallien Ce-Bfqd Mike R ......

173.72€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

Western Gaul, Pictones Electrum Stater, c80-60Bc, c23mm max , c6 5g Male head with prominent curls to right; bird-head-like ornament at forehead ......

593.06€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North West Gaul, Aulerci, Eburovices Ae Potin, c50-30Bc, c17mm, c3 0g Celticized head right, surmounted by small boar right / Celticized horse right'...

239.62€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North West Gaul, Aulerci Eburovices Ae Potin, c60-50Bc, c12mm, c3 3g Celticized hd l /Horse r ,, boar bel , pellet in circle, pellet ab Dlt 7029 var ......

191.7€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North West Gaul, Lexovii Ae16, c100-50Bc, c16mm, c2 4g Facing bust /Horse r , wheel bel , facing bust ab Dlt 7146, Dt 2498 Antike Kelten Gallien Mike...

449.29€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North East Gaul, Pictones (Area of Poitiers) Electrum Stater, ca 125-80Bc, ca 20mm, ca 6 4g Wreathed head l with chains bef /Human-headed horse l ......

1857.05€ Envío gratuito

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North East Gaul, Aulerci Eburovices Ar Denier, c100-50Bc, c16mm, c0 7g Abstract hd r , a laurel wreath of three rows / Horse r , beaded mane Dlt 2428...

191.7€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

Western Gaul, Pictones Electrum Stater, c80-60Bc, c24mm, c6 4g Male head with prominent curls to right; bird-head-like ornament at forehead ......

395.37€ 11.98€ gastos envío

Celtic Gaul Tienda: Vosper Marca: Celtic Gaul

North East Gaul, Catuslogi, Viricius Bronze Unit, c50-30Bc, c15mm, c2 4g Celtic head left; beaded scrolls before and behind / Horse advancing left; ......

166.54€ 11.98€ gastos envío

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