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Victims of Crime and Punishment: Interviews with Victims, Convicts, Their Families, and Support Groups

Marca: McFarland - Company

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"Joseph Brown confessed to a burglary he committed with an accomplice, who got even by accusing Brown of a murder. Brown was convicted and sentenced to die, although the accomplice failed a polygraph test and admitted he lied. Brown, who came within hours of execution, was released after 13 years on death row"--from a chapter on a victim of punishment."It was a pretty rough time and we prayed that Yusuf would be found alive. Eighteen days after he disappeared, they found his body in an abandoned school.... After the funeral I was still in shock and not wanting to believe that my Yusuf would never again put his arms around my neck"--from a mother's story about her murdered son.This thought-provoking collection of interviews provides an insight into the multi-faceted issue of victims. Topics include personal accounts, support and survival and voices for reform. Also discussed are organizations that provide assistance to victims.

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