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Problems In Mathematical Statistics

Marca: Mir Publishers Moscow

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Problems in Mathematical Statistics. Rustic binding. Problems in Mathematical Statistics is a continuation of Mathematical Statistics by G. Ivchenko and Yu. Medvedev. The problem book supplements the theoretical course, covers the basic topics in modern statistical theory and can be used for practice and laboratory works (including computer simulation of random variables for further statistical interpretation). Some of the problems are more difficcult and require a verative individual effort. Detailed solutions are given to non-standard problens. Each chapter contains the necessary theoretical material and formulas. Statistical tables will help to obtain numerical results. The book will be useful to students at technical colleges and universities, to post-graduate students and engineers applying probabilistic and statistical methods. Preface Theory and Problems Chapter 1 Principles of Statistical Description. Sampling Characteristics and Their Distributions. Chapter 2 Estimation of Distribution Parameters. Estimators and Their General Properties. Optimum Estimators. Maximum Likelihood Estimates. Confidence Estimation. Chapter 3 Tests of Statistical Hypotheses. Goodness of Fit Tests. A Choice Between Two Simple Hypotheses. Composite Hypotheses. Tests of Hypotheses and Condidence Estimation. Likelihood Ratio Test. Various Problems. Chapter 4 Linear Regression and the Least Squares Method. Chapter 5 Decision Functions. Chapter 6 Statistics of Stationary Sequences. Answers and Solutions. Appendix. List of Distributions. Bibliography.

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