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Chihuly Garden Installations

Marca: Abrams

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The greatest living artist in the medium of glass, Dale Chihuly has long been fascinated by the colors and forms of nature. Over the years, his work has become increasingly open, using forms that show a strong relationship to the architecture of natural shapes. Here, lush illustrations showcase Chihuly's unique glass sculptures positioned among the plants, flowers, and landscapes of some of the world's finest gardens and conservatories, from St. Louis to Phoenix to Kew. Tracing the connection between Chihuly's art and botanical life, Chihuly Garden Installations shows how the exchange between art and nature can shift from the harmonious and tranquil to stunning juxtapositions of scale and color. Praise for CHIHULY GARDEN INSTALLATIONS: "The glass artist Dale Chihuly is always good for a change of a scene. . . . Chihuly Garden Installations is a weighty compendium of crowd-pleasing work. Bright pink chunks of glass sparkle over lily pads in the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables, Fla., while leopard-spotted bronze trumpets rise up through the foliage at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis—as close as man will ever get to making flowers." Dominique Browning, New York Times Book Review

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