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Dovo Two Part Abrasive Strop Paste

Marca: DOVO

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Tienda: Fruugo España

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Foto Dovo Two Part Abrasive Strop Paste foto 968274

Dovo of Solingen Two Part Red and Black Abrasive Strop PasteThis is a two part set of abrasive pastes. The red is the coarser of the two with the finer black pasteused for finishing off the cutting edge of cut throat razors, knives, fine cutlery and cabinet makers tools.Note that these abrasive pastes must be used on a separate leather strops to prevent mixing of the pastes.Polishing the fin or cutting edge of a cut throat razor prior to stropping allows the edge of the blade to glide more freely across the beard to achieve a smooth, comfortable shave.The paste should be worked into the leather strop with a cotton cloth and with slight pressure.Small in size, measuring 40 mm x 30 mm x 15 mm deep, this paste is impregnated with very fineabrasives and industrialdiamond dust which accounts for the relatively high cost of this combo abrasive paste. Made in Solingen, Germany - quality assured.Not exactly what you're looking for?Browse our range of strops and strop pastes.

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