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Acer Aspire One A150-Bb Bater a Para Port til 11.1V Cell 7200mAh/80WH 7993Wh

Marca: ESPOW112

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Foto Acer Aspire One A150-Bb Bater a Para Port til 11.1V Cell 7200mAh/80WH 7993Wh foto 292188

Laptop Batteries User Tips:1. How to keep my laptop battery healthy?Laptop battery packs should be charged for 12 hours when you first get them. Laptop batteries are completely discharged at the time of purchase, and need a full charge before their first use.2. How to Extend the Life of Your Laptop BatteryAccording to statistics, a typical laptop battery last long for 500 charges / discharges cycles. If you want to your laptop battery last longer than this number, remove the battery whenever your laptop is plugged into an outlet. If you leave it in, the AC power could cause the battery to overheat and overcharge. Also, keep in mind that keep your laptop and battery in cool, dry, and well - ventilated locations. Hot environment might minimize the battery lifetime.3. How to deal with my laptop battery when it is not used?Don't leave your laptop battery inactive for extended periods of time. Even if you use AC power most of time, use the battery periodically to keep it in good condition. Unplug your AC adapter when the computer is not in use to prevent overcharging.4. What should I do for battery storage for a long period of time?Don't store your battery for long periods plugged into or attached to any power source, including AC adapters and laptop security carts plugged into an outlet; Charge batteries before storing. The recommended charging time should not exceed 1 hour.5. How to maximize my laptop battery performance?To get maximum performance from the battery, fully optimize the notebooks power management features prior to use. The power management system conserves battery power by setting the processor to run at a slower speed, dimming the screen, spinning down the hard drive when it's not in use and causing the machine to go into sleep mode when inactive.

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